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Next JS : Routing, Data Fetching, State, & Props

Next JS - Routing, Data Fetching, State, & Props


  • File Based Routing
  • data fetching
  • redux
  • Auto Image Optimizing
  • Server-side Rendering (SSR)
  • Client-side Rendering (CSR)
  • Static Site Generation (SSG)
  • seo title and meta description


  • props, state
  • hooks
  • redux
  • axios
  • react router dom [Next Js Routing] {own file based routing system}
  • serve correctly sized images (on demand image resizing)
  • seo title, meta description, image alt name


(in shortcut)

npx create-next-app

npx create-next-app@latest <project-name>

What is your project named? website-testing-name
Would you like to use TypeScript? No / Yes
Would you like to use ESLint? No / Yes
Would you like to use Tailwind CSS? No / Yes
Would you like to use src/ directory? No / Yes
Would you like to use App Router? (recommended) No / Yes
Would you like to customize the default import alias (@/)? No / Yes What import alias would you like configured? @/What is your project named? my-app

Run it

Open Terminal & Run Development Server

  • Run npm run dev to start the development server.
  • Visit http://localhost:3000 to view your application.
  • Edit app/page.tsx (or pages/index.tsx) file and save it to see the updated result in your browser.

Project Structure


page.jsx & layout.jsx (app.jsx & main.jsx) (root level ‘ / ‘ )


ADD Favicon at browser top?

inside <head>

    <link rel=”icon” href=”dihho favicon.png”>

How to show folders icons in vs code

Open VS Code,

go to File > Preferences > File icon theme > [Theme name] and choose your icon theme

install this “vscode-icons”

How to use ICONS in Next?

use react icons library: https://react-icons.github.io/react-icons/

since Next is built on top of React, so we can use react icons library.

npm install react-icons

import { CgShoppingCart } from "react-icons/cg"

<CgShoppingCart className="w-[40px] h-[40px] text-4xl text-yellow-400 hover:text-yellow-600"/>

OR // <FaBeer style={{ fontSize: '50px', color: 'orange' }} />


Routing Rules

  • All routes must be placed iside the app folder.
  • Every folder corresponds to a path segment in the browser URL.
  • Every file that represents a route must be named page.jsx


export default function Home(){
  return <h1> This is Home </h1>


Route Groups = ( )


Dynamic Routes = [ ]


How to access dynamic params value?

export default function ProductDetails({ params }){
    return <h1> Details of Product {params.idd} </h1>


Not Found Page

  not-found.js or not-found.jsx
export default function Notfound(){
      <h2>Page Not Found</h2>
      <p>Could Not find requested page</p>

Private Folders = _

A feature provided by Next.js to effectively organise your project.

Note: The folder and all its subfolders are excluded from routing.

export default function PrivateRoute(){
    return <h1> You can't view this in the browser</h1>

Note: To have underscore in URL segments prefix the folder name with ‘%5F’ ; which is the URL-encoded

import { Link } from ‘react-router-dom’

<Link to=”/”><button className={styles.button}>Go to Home</button></Link>

import Link from 'next/link';
<Link href="/about">Go to About Page</Link>

For ex: on button click i.e. function HandleSubmit()

[Button Click Handler]

It’s a client side because user will click button, so put ‘use client’

Or you will get this error:

import { useRouter } from 'next/navigation';
  const router = useRouter();

import {useNavigate} from “react-router-dom”

    const navigate= useNavigate()


'use client'
import { useRouter } from 'next/navigation';

export default function HomePage() {
  const router = useRouter();

  const handleNavigation = () => {
    router.push('/about'); // Navigates to the about page
  return (
      <h1>Welcome to the Home Page</h1>
      <button onClick={handleNavigation}>Go to About Page</button>

import { useRouter } from 'next/navigation';

export default function HomePage() {
const router = useRouter();

const goToProduct = (id) => {

  return (
      <button onClick={() => goToProduct(123)}>View Product 123</button>

Data Fetching

Server Components (Mostly Used)

There is no need for ustate& useEffect Hooks. App Router uses the React Server Components (RSC) architecture — allowing us to fetch data using server components or client components. RSC architecture has direct access to server-side resources like file systems and databases, so its very beneficial to use them.

allows you to fetch data on the server and stream the built HTML to the client.

async function UsersPage() {
  const res = await fetch('https://my-api.com/data');
  const data = await res.json();

  return data;

export default async function MyComponent() {
  const data = await loadData();
  return <div>{data}</div>;

Client Side Fetching

This pattern is not just for Next.js, but for any React app.

axios.post('http://localhost:8006/purchase-complete', formData,{
       headers: {
         'Content-Type': 'application/json'
.then(response => {
  console.log('product added', response.data);
.catch(error => { 
  console.error('There was an error submitting the data!', error);

"use client";

import { useState, useEffect } from 'react';

export default function MyComponent() {
  const [data, setData] = useState(null);

  useEffect(() => {
      .then(res => res.json())
  }, []);

  return <div>{data}</div>;


Form Handling


Basic Props (same as React)

Props work almost identically in Next.js as in React because Next.js is built on top of React.

Get Server Side Props (for server-side rendering (SSR)) (at build time)


preload data from the server (SSR) and inject it into props


(fetching data from a url and passing as props)

Get Static Props (for static site generation (SSG)) (at request time)


preload data from the server (SSR) and inject it into props

per page (getInitialProps)


State works exactly the same in Next.js as it does in React. It’s used to manage the internal data of a component and can be modified through hooks like useState.

State: Works the same as in React with useState, useReducer, etc. Next JS has not introduced anything new for it.

In short, Next.js extends React’s props system with tools like getStaticProps and getServerSideProps, but state management remains identical to React.


same as react

'use client'

import {useState} from 'react'

function Checkout() {

    const [name, setName]=useState('')
    const [phone_number, setPhoneNumber]=useState('')
    const [email, setEmail]=useState('')
    const [address, setAddress]=useState('')
    const [province, setProvince] = useState('')
    const [city, setCity]=useState('')
    const [house_number, setHouseNumber]=useState('')
    const [landmark, setLandmark]=useState('')
    const [orderNotes, setOrderNotes]=useState('')

Server Components vs Client Components

(CSR) (client side rendering)

(SSR) (renders on server each time when a client makes request)

SSG (renders at build time when website is deployed)

ISR (hybrid of both SSR & SSG)




  1. CSS Modules
  2. Global Styles
  3. External Stylesheets

4. Tailwind CSS

5. CSS-in-JS

6. Sass


Error 1: The default export is not a React Component in page: “/admin”

Solution: Just delte your useless layout.jsx file

Error 2: You’re importing a component that needs useRouter

It’s client side because user will click on button, so put ‘use client’. Then it will be fixed.

Put like this:


Q1: How to know whether you are using App Router or Page router?

Just look at here, its saying app, so its App Router

Q2: What to put in meta title & description?

Give title about your website like this:

title: “Gadget Insider – Buy Gadgets at Best Prices”

Give description about your website like this:

description: “Explore the latest electronics and gadgets at unbeatable prices. Fast shipping and secure payments. Shop now for great deals!”

How to see meta title of a page?

To see meta title, hover the tab of website page

How to see meta description of a page?

To see meta description: right click > inspect > go to head section > scroll down > you will find description

Q3: How to comment in jsx?

use {/* */}

For Ex:

{/* Submit Button */}

How to use redux in next?

// import { useSelector } from ‘react-redux’

    // const hehe = useSelector((state) => state.product)

    // const machine= useSelector((state) => state.machine.value)

Redux works almost the same in Next.js as it does in a regular React app. The main difference comes when you need server-side rendering (SSR) or hydration in Next.js.

React VS NextJS

Redux SetupSame: Provider in index.jsProvider in _app.js
State UsageuseSelector and useDispatchSame: useSelector and useDispatch
SSR SupportNot requiredOptional: Use with getServerSideProps
HydrationNot neededMay need to handle state hydration for SSR

How to fetch data in Next?

for hehe variable

        let hehe=[]

How to use State (useState Hook) in Next?

Where to put Images, Videos file in NextJS?

  • Use the public folder for static files you want to serve directly (e.g., videos, logos).
  • Use Next.js <Image/> component for optimized image rendering.

Next.js has a special public folder where you can place images, videos, or other static assets. Any files placed here are directly accessible via a URL.

Place your files in the /public directory.


Access in Code:

<img src="/images/logo.png" alt="Logo" />
<video controls>
  <source src="/videos/intro.mp4" type="video/mp4" />

Note: Files are served as-is without additional processing.

How to insert images in Next which will be served optimized?

If you want to benefit from automatic image optimization, Next.js provides an component.

Note: If the public Folder Doesn’t Exist: Simply create a new folder named public at the root level of your project.

├── node_modules/
├── public/          <-- Place your static assets here
│   └── images/
│       └── logo.png
├── src/
├── pages/
├── package.json
└── next.config.js
import Image from 'next/image';

export default function Home() {
  return (
      <h1>Welcome to my site</h1>

Note: In Next.js, the component must always be self-closing (), because it doesn’t support children

<Image src="/example.jpg" alt="Example">
</Image> // ❌ Not allowed in Next.js

<Image src="/example.jpg" alt="Example" /> 
// ✅ Correct usage

How to know whether the image has been optimized or not?

# When opening the image in New Tab, it will open like this:

  • w=128: Width of the image.
  • q=75: Quality setting.

# Download the Image & compare the size with original image.

1. Inspect the Rendered Image in the Browser DevTools

  1. Open your site in the browser.
  2. Right-click the image and choose “Inspect” to open the DevTools.
  3. In the Elements tab, look for the <img> tag inside the <Image /> component.You should see the following indicators:
    • The src attribute will point to a dynamically generated URL such as:arduinoCopy code/_next/image?url=%2Fimages%2Flogo.png&w=640&q=75
    • This URL indicates that the image is being processed by Next.js for dynamic resizing and quality adjustments.

2. Check Network Tab for Image Size and Lazy Loading

  1. Go to the Network tab in DevTools.
  2. Filter by “Img” to see only the image requests.
  3. Reload the page and check the following:
    • File Path: The requested image should be served from /public/images but accessed through a path like:arduinoCopy code/_next/image?url=%2Fimages%2Flogo.png&w=640&q=75
    • Size: The image size will be smaller than the original if Next.js optimization is working (adjusted for the width and height props you set).
    • Lazy Loading: If the image is not immediately in the viewport, it won’t load until you scroll to it (indicating lazy loading is working).

3. Check the DOM for loading="lazy" Attribute

The <Image /> component uses lazy loading by default. To verify:

  1. In the Elements tab, find your <img> tag.
  2. Look for:htmlCopy code<img src="/_next/image?..." loading="lazy" ... />

4. Verify Quality Parameter (q)

In the Network tab, look for the image URL query string:

  • The query will include a q parameter, which controls the image quality (default is 75). Example:arduinoCopy code/_next/image?url=%2Fimages%2Flogo.png&w=640&q=75

5. Use Lighthouse for Performance Auditing

  1. In Chrome DevTools, open the Lighthouse tab.
  2. Run an audit with the “Performance” category checked.
  3. Look for:
    • Properly Sized Images: Images should be optimized to fit their displayed size.
    • Efficient Image Formats: Next.js may convert your images to modern formats like WebP where possible.

How to change the quality setting of optimized image?

    src="/images/logo.png" // Path relative to the 'public' folder
    quality={80} // Set quality to 80

Default Value: If you do not specify the quality prop, Next.js uses a default value of 75.

How to change the format of optimized image?

1. Using Supported Image Formats

To have Next.js automatically serve images in different formats (like WebP) when possible, you typically need to provide the image in a common format (like JPEG, PNG, etc.) in your project, and Next.js will handle the conversion based on the request.

  • Supported Formats:
    • JPEG
    • PNG
    • GIF
    • SVG
    • WEBP (if the source image is in a supported format)

2. Manually Specifying the Format

If you want to ensure that an image is served in a specific format, you can change the file extension in the src attribute of the <Image /> component.

  • Example: Using a WebP image if available
import Image from 'next/image';

export default function Home() {
  return (
      <h1>Welcome to My Site</h1>
        src="/images/logo.webp" // Use WebP format
        quality={80} // Set quality as desired

3. Using the next.config.js File

To enable support for serving images in modern formats, you can customize your next.config.js to allow Next.js to optimize images properly.

  • Example Configuration:
// next.config.js
module.exports = {
  images: {
    // Allow specific domains for external images (if any)
    domains: ['example.com'], 
    // replace with your domains
    formats: ['image/avif', 'image/webp'], 
    // Enable AVIF and WebP

How to Check the Output Format

  1. Inspect Element: After implementing the image, right-click and inspect the image element in your browser to see the src URL.
  2. Network Tab: Check the Network tab in the browser’s developer tools while refreshing the page. The Response header of the image will show the actual format being served.

Note on Browser Support

  • Modern browsers typically support WebP and AVIF. If the browser does not support these formats, Next.js will fall back to the original image format.
  • It’s a good idea to provide fallback formats (like JPEG or PNG) for compatibility with older browsers.


  • Next.js serves images in formats like WebP automatically if the browser supports it, based on the original image file you provide.
  • You can specify the format by changing the file extension in the src attribute or by configuring the next.config.js file for specific formats.
  • Always check the image’s actual format using browser DevTools to ensure that optimizations are working as expected.

How to insert Videos in Next?

Insights came in my Mind


these folders: they all are urls

  • /:slug
  • /admin
  • /cart
  • /checkout


wherever user does any work then use ‘use client’

for ex: clicking a button, filling up data